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Magnificat Sportive

The club uses an App called the ‘Team App’ to publish and manage rides. All members are asked to download, sign up to and join the Thame CC members group inside this app. 

Please follow the link below.


⁃ Once signed up please fill in your details as well as your emergency contact details. Ride leaders will have access to your details through the app during rides in case of emergency.
⁃ Please familiarise yourself with the events page. This is where you will find planned club rides. You must sign up to the ride you wish to join. Anyone who has not signed up will not be permitted to join that group. There is limited space, spaces will be on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Please only occupy one of the spaces if you are 100% committed to riding.
⁃ The event will list the ride leader, start time and destination. We will also advertise the rides on Facebook and the website, just as before, BUT you must sign up via the app to attend.

Kind Regards 

Ryan Coughtrey
Ride Leader Coordinator
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